Importance of Asbestos Removal in Leamington Spa

From the 1950s until the 1990s, asbestos was widely used in the construction industry. It was dubbed a "miracle material" because of its durability, fire resistance, and low cost. In recent years, however, there has been growing evidence that asbestos exposure can cause deadly diseases including mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Asbestos Removal in Leamington Spa

As a result of this new threat, the government has enacted many regulations forbidding the use of asbestos in any form. Removal must be done by trained specialists who have been trained to work safely with asbestos-containing materials.

Residential real estate

Asbestos Removal in Leamington Spa or residential houses should have been done a long time ago, but that isn't always the case. If you live in a home that was built before 2000, or you have a spa since 1980’s there's a strong possibility asbestos was used in the construction. As a result, you must ensure that any house renovation plans do not disrupt any materials that may contain asbestos. Cutting into walls and floors is not recommended because this is where the mineral is most likely to be located.

Commercial real estate

Because commercial premises are subject to stronger regulations, it is much more likely that they do not contain any asbestos. However, if your business has a big number of visitors or hosts huge functions on a regular basis, you should be aware that asbestos may have been employed. Only an asbestos survey can accurately identify where asbestos might be located if you estimate the level of risk posed to your staff and consumers.


If it is found on building materials or fire extinguishers that are regularly used for fire defenses, it still poses a risk to human health. To avoid any hazards, it is critical that this material is treated properly Asbestos Testing in Cheltenham is done by professionals especially when no indicators of disease or illness have been reported in the community as a result of exposure to this form of asbestos.


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