Removal and transportation of asbestos are required to be handled with care


Asbestos needs to be treated with care as they are an extremely hazardous material. One cannot dispose of asbestos to place but only at designated recycling centres. 

Before transporting them to one of these centres, one must make sure that they are packed in double bags to ensure that they do not break when packing them. Another thing to keep in mind is that one should not overfill the bags and also the bag does not puncture during transportation. When Asbestos Removal is done in Worcestershire, the transport and unloading at the centre must be well-planned—ringing the site in advance so that the containers into which the asbestos will be unloaded from the bag are readily available for use.   

Care during removal 

Before removing asbestos from a building during the renovation or demolition process, an Asbestos Survey of the Residential Property is essential with the help of certified asbestos contractors. They take a sample and send it to a material testing lab for confirmation that the sample is indeed asbestos. Once it is confirmed, the building owner should plan to remove the asbestos using experts' services.  


Once the approval is received, the certified contractors start the removal process with a team of trained employees. These employees are well-equipped with protective clothing, including respirators and ventilators. The asbestos needs to be removed with extreme precaution, less any workers get exposed to the deadly fibres. 

Many contractors paint exposed asbestos with heavy sealant coatings. It is to prevent the asbestos dust from escaping as it can expose people to hazardous substances. Also, asbestos materials are wet to suppress the dust and then placed in earmarked containers instead of bags. The containers are properly sealed and then taken to the approved disposal or recycling centres. 


Asbestos dust is so fine that when inhaled, they get lodged in the inner lings of the lungs. Hence, it can be a life-threatening situation. The tissue where they get embedded is known as mesothelium, a type of deadly cancer. 


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