
Showing posts from December, 2022

Asbestos testing and its importance for healthy living in the UK

Asbestos has been a commonly used building material for many of the buildings and large structures in various parts of the UK for a long time. The main reasons for using asbestos have been its high capacity of resisting heat as well as its overall strength. It was also preferred over other materials since it is a versatile substance and can be availed at a cheaper price. However, since 1999 the use of asbestos has been banned in the UK because the medical community discovered that asbestos can lead to some severe forms of health conditions such as lung cancer, pleural disease, asbestosis and mesothelioma. The latest buildings in the UK do not use asbestos in any form but the older buildings often have copious amounts of asbestos in them.   This is why it is very important that you check for the presence of asbestos if you are looking to move to a building that has been erected prior to 1999. A company that offers asbestos testing Cheltenham services can cater to your needs and help